Couple Counselling Agreement

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Couple Counselling Agreement

“A personal and caring, non-judgemental space” 


Paisley Counselling is committed to
a high standard of safe and accountable practice.

This agreement is between:


Paisley Counselling

Studio 55, Old Embroidery Mill, Seedhill, Paisley PA1 1TJ




Confidentiality is an essential aspect of the work carried out on behalf of this service. There are however 4 occasions when we may wish to take advice from other professionals. (1) If there is a danger of serious harm to yourself (2) to another or (3) if you are reporting current or recent child abuse, (4) if you disclose that you or others are involved in any terrorist organisation or activity. We will usually discuss this with your first. The counsellor may also wish to discuss this with a senior member of staff. 

Good Practice: All counsellors are required by the BACP & COSCA code of Ethics and Practice, to attend monthly supervision where they discuss their casework. Counsellors always protect clients’ identities when discussing cases, but please feel free to ask more about this when you meet with your counsellor. The service you are receiving will be reviewed with you on a regular basis by your counsellor/therapist. Together you will be able to assess the length of time, within certain constraints that it is appropriate for counselling to continue. This will include reviewing working online or by phone. If we decide that working online or by phone is not a mode of practice that is working, we shall agree to stop until such time as we can have ‘face to face’ counselling. 

Professional Development: At any time, several of our counsellors may be studying for an advanced qualification in counselling. They are, however, considered to have the necessary training and experience to be allocated your case. This will be explained to you when you book your session. If a fully qualified practitioner cannot be present in the service when you are receiving counselling from a student, we will request that you work online or by phone. Other than when the practice manager is on annual leave this should be a very rare event. If you don’t have a safe and secure place to work online or by telephone, we will agree to stop your sessions until such time as you can meet “face to face” with your counsellor. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Record Keeping: We keep details that identify you (name, address, phone number) digitally. The notes made at the initial introductory (assessment) appointment, brief on going records your counsellor writes, and a Closing Summary are kept in a  locked cabinet, in line with BACP guidelines. Those records are identified only by your initials and your code number. Paisley Counselling has a system of open recording with its clients. (Data Protection Act (1998). If you wish to see your records, we will request that you complete a release form before sending your records to you by encrypted email. 

Cancelled Appointments: When entering the counselling process with Paisley Counselling you are agreeing to commit to a working relationship with your counsellor by attending weekly sessions. We ask that you attend regularly and if you are planning a holiday or require to miss a session, you give us as much notice as possible so we can plan around that. By signing this contract, you agree to minimise time away from counselling, as this can compromise the counselling process. If you have several missed appointments, you may be asked to stop your sessions and restart your counselling when you feel that you are more able to attend regularly. 

If you are cancelling due to covid we request that you endeavour to work online with your counsellor at a time that suits both parties. 

Cancelled Appointments: We require 2 working days’ notice from you for cancelled appointments otherwise payment will be due. 

Working days are Monday–Friday, 9am to 8pm, not including Bank Holiday. Agreement 

Please sign below to let us know that you have had an opportunity to read and discuss this contract:  


Counsellor signature:

Kim Wylie

Kim Wylie, 22/10/2024