If you have been thinking about counselling, taking that first step towards contacting someone  can be quite daunting. There maybe several questions going through your mind:

  • Will I feel safe with a counsellor?
  • Will the counsellor understand me?
  • Will things be kept confidential?

At Paisley Counselling, we will provide a caring, supportive, confidential, and non-judgmental environment where you will be listened to, heard, respected, and valued. We know that the relationship which you develop with your counsellor is foundational to how much benefit you will get from counselling.

Initial service

At the initial session, your counsellor will discuss with you the situations you are facing, and they will talk about how things could be addressed in future counselling sessions.

Counsellors at the service

Paisley Counselling is staffed by fully qualified counsellors, as well as trainee counsellors who are working towards accreditation with postgraduate studies in counselling and psychotherapy.

Working with trainee counsellors

We choose our postgraduate trainee counsellors very carefully, selecting mature people from high profile professional backgrounds who are studying on reputable courses. You can be confident that if you are seen by a trainee counsellor, you will be seeing someone who is sufficiently trained and experienced to help you.

Cost per session

Trainee Counsellors

Sessions with Trainee Counsellors last a full 60 minutes and cost £50.

Associate Counsellors

Sessions with Associate Counsellors last a full 60 minutes and cost £65.

Practice Manager – Kim Wylie

Individual Clients

The Initial Assessment and subsequent sessions last a full 60 minutes, giving us sufficient time to process. The cost of a session is £80.

Couple Counselling

The Initial Assessment and subsequent sessions last 90 minutes leaving room for all parties concerned to explore their issues; to be seen and heard. Cost of session is £150.

MairiMy name is Mairi, and I am a fully qualified integrative counsellor, registered with BACP. My work with Paisley Counselling is all on-line.

I have experience working with clients in private, charitable, and school settings. My approach is integrative, with a strong person-centered basis, which means I will use different modalities of counselling to best fit your personal needs and goals.

As well as working with adults on a range of issues, I have also done advanced training in counselling children and young people.
Anxiety, depression, low mood, self-harming behaviors can have a hugely negative effect on all areas of a young person’s life, not to mention the potential effect on future opportunities. Children and young people often find it particularly hard to put their thoughts and feelings into words, and that is why working creatively with this age group is particularly helpful.

Other areas I have a particular interest in are chronic illness and anxiety.

For many people, living with a chronic illness such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) can be an anxious and frustrating experience. Fatigue, widespread pain, digestive problems, and disordered sleep are just some of the more common complaints in a long list of symptoms. Dealing with these daily can be very isolating, and for some sufferers, this may lead to low mood, depression and/or anxiety. Talking through these worries and frustrations and exploring ways to cope with the limitations the condition brings can make it more manageable. CBT (a type of therapy which works by interrupting the negative cycle of thoughts, physical feelings emotions and actions, and breaking down overwhelming problems into smaller, more manageable chunks) can be particularly effective. Mindfulness (a practice which helps reduce stress and anxiety by focusing on being in the present moment) can also be very useful as it helps the body to be in a naturally more healing state.

Anxiety is hugely prevalent in society today. Over the last couple of years with all the uncertainty of COVID, lockdowns and associated issues, more and more people of all ages are seeking help to deal with anxiety. I tend to think of the nervous system as being like a smoke alarm- it’s supposed to be there in case of emergencies, it’s part of us, and when it’s doing its job properly, it’s good and it’s healthy. The problem arises when our nervous system becomes over-sensitive and perceives threat and danger everywhere. When this happens our alarm system goes off, flooding our bodies with stress hormones, and causing all those horrible physical feelings associated with anxiety. Once this cycle has started, it’s impossible to stop it using “mind over matter”. You cannot think your way out of anxiety once it is there – it is in our bodies and that’s where we have to start to break it’s cycle. By learning techniques to put our bodies back into a calmer state and feel safer again, we can influence our brains – slowing them down and reducing overthinking and anxious thought patterns.

My underpinning value is respect for every individual’s personal experience, and I am committed to meeting all my clients with openness, acceptance, and compassion whatever they may be going through. The therapeutic journey can be challenging and difficult at times, but the rewards can make it all worthwhile.

stevenMy name is Steven Duthie and I am a psychodynamic counsellor. For over twelve years I have worked in the public, charitable and private sectors, helping people from different backgrounds, people who bring a wide range of issues, problems and life events, which may be causing them conflict.

When we are struggling to make sense of our lives, it can be helpful to speak to someone who is unbiased and confidential and who is a trained to listen.

Within the safe and confidential space provided by Paisley Counselling, you can talk to me at your own pace, without fear of judgement, about the issues you are struggling with. Together we can begin to unpack these issues, helping you to see them from a fresh perspective, helping you to move on if you are feeling stuck.

My training in Psychodynamic Counselling has taught me that experiences in our past can have an impact on our feelings and behaviour in the present. By reflecting on these past experiences, we can begin to work through our feelings or repeated patterns of behaviour that may no longer be helpful.

Through gaining a better understanding of why we feel and act the way we do – gaining insight into our ingrained habits of thinking – there is the possibility of change.

I am Louise Sinclair and I am a fully qualified counsellor and member of the BACP.

There may be many reasons to consider counselling including trying to work through difficult emotions, coping with bereavement or loss or living with the consequences of surviving trauma. I have a range of experience working with people who have faced many emotional challenges. I can support you to face these challenges and work through them. I am committed to working with you and the time we spend together will be focused on you and what you want to achieve.

I am passionate about helping people and believe in the difference counselling can make when we work together to process your experiences and feelings.


Stephanie York

Hi my name is Stephanie and I am an integrative counsellor, tailoring my counselling style to the specific needs of the individual.

In my experience, what people carry into a therapeutic environment is unique and deeply personal to them. The way I work is through journeying together and discovering the root causes, as well as looking at ways to move through it in a meaningful way.

My interests lie in but are not limited to; addiction, repressed anger, communication breakdown, overwhelming emotions, eating disorders, anxiety, grief, loss, depression, low self-esteem and troubling life events.

I believe that by providing a safe and confidential space to discuss current struggles openly without judgment, can bring a sense of clarity to an often intense and lonely period. I believe that counselling along with a willingness to explore can restore hope to a situation that often feels hopeless for many of us.


My name is Helen Gleeson, I am a qualified transactional analysis counsellor

I offer a safe, confidential, non-judgemental space to explore the issues that have led you to this point in your life. Together we would work towards finding ways of dealing with the challenges that you are experiencing.

Transactional Analysis is designed to promote personal growth and change, exploring how we become who we are and how we interact with others and ourselves – becoming aware of our internal dialogue.

Within the therapy process we will look at both past and present experiences, exploring patterns of behaviours, thoughts and feelings. The aim is to help make meaning of the challenges that you bring and support you in devising new strategies and positive ways of coping.

I am an individual member of BACP & UKATA.

LynnHello, I am Lynn, a fully qualified counsellor using Transactional Analysis.

I embrace an open-minded, confidential, and Inclusive approach. Regardless of your background, experiences, or circumstances, my priority is to create a safe environment where you can freely express yourself, ensuring that you feel heard, understood, and empowered throughout the therapeutic process.

Together, we will explore and address the challenges you face, utilising a diverse range of therapeutic techniques. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or seeking personal growth, we will navigate this journey together towards healing and personal transformation. I am dedicated to helping you overcome obstacles, develop effective coping strategies, and cultivate a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Hi, I’m Nicola, I’m a qualified integrative counsellor, registered with the BACP.

I work according to the needs of the individual and I’m committed to creating a safe, non-judgmental space for your voice to be heard. In this space we will work together to explore the issues that have brought you to counselling. My approach is strongly based in person centred, but I use approaches from other modalities if suited to helping you explore issues more clearly and deeply.

I have a particular interest in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which stems from the more traditional CBT. The techniques from ACT help you to learn about intense emotions you may be experiencing and to help find a different perspective of them. Having a new perspective helps you become more accepting to these emotions and to commit to making changes to behaviour and responses, so that they are no longer overwhelming.

Working with people and seeing them overcome obstacles and difficulties is what I have a heartfelt desire for. I have experience of working with people from differing backgrounds and have had varying challenges and difficulties to overcome. There is nothing more powerful than a person finding their voice and to see them grow as they use it more.

My name is Jaynie Boyce. I am a qualified counsellor using transactional analysis, working towards my psychotherapy qualification.

I am passionate about my work as a therapist, and I understand that sometimes in life we just need a helping hand to get through things that feel tough.

I use empathy and compassion to create a safe, confidential, and non-judgemental space where we can explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world all have an impact on our day to day lives, and I’ll walk alongside you, helping you explore the past and the present and supporting you to find new ways of being in the world.

I am an individual member of UKATA & UKCP.

Hi! My name is Lynsey and I am a qualified counsellor and member of BACP.

I am an integrative counsellor and will use different approaches from person centred, psychodynamic and CBT depending on your need and presenting issue.
I believe in creating a safe and nurturing environment where we can work together colaberively to work through your difficulties.
I find it extremely healing to revisit areas of the past that have caused trauma, however I beleive our hopes for our future also play a vital part in the therapeutic journey too.

I work with both children and adults and so I enjoy working creatively with clients to explore issues and tap into the subconscience.

I have a passion for inclusion and a heart to make counselling as accessible as possible. I am working towards level 3 BSL currently and have worked with clients of varying additional support needs.

I believe counselling to be deeply personal and naturally no two counselling journeys are ever the same which makes each journey beautiful and unique.